Allow me to introduce some of the satisfied occupants of the sanctury.
On your right, you will see a worbat, deep in sleep and she, or is it s he, did not even realised that there were cameras clicking away. As all of you know, worbat is my favourite Australian native species. Why? 'Cause they are as cute, sweet and hug-able as I am.
Over here, we have a Paddy Melon, smaller size Wallaby, that survives in the rocky areas for Australia. They are wonderful rock climbers and love their fruits a lot. So keep your hands off them, unless you plan to lose 1 or 2 of your 10 fingers.
They are so puffed up and fluffy, which reminds me so much of my soft toy at home. Noticed the colouration of their fur? That allow them to easily hide away in the background and live a few more days.
Last but not least, which of the cuties did I left out? Right... The Koalas! These amazing marsupials do not need to drink water, as they get the much needed moisture from the eucalyptus leaves, and they are asleep for about 18hours per day. Sleepyheads!!
This one was wide awake and waiting for food obviously... we caught this shot during the keepers session. Interestingly boring but the kids loved it....
Think we were there for about 6 hours, as we attended every show we are able to make it to and seat throughout the entire show. Armed with caremas in one hand and ice-cream in the other.
This one was wide awake and waiting for food obviously... we caught this shot during the keepers session. Interestingly boring but the kids loved it....
Think we were there for about 6 hours, as we attended every show we are able to make it to and seat throughout the entire show. Armed with caremas in one hand and ice-cream in the other.
By the time we were on the way home, we are all sleeping in the car with the air-con on full blast...
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